Launching The Paris Peacemakers

I went on holiday the morning after the book launch so haven’t had time until now to post some pictures. What a lovely evening we had at Blackwell’s in Edinburgh launching The Paris Peacemakers into the world. I remember James Thin’s as a kind of paradise from childhood visits , so it was the perfect location! Thank you so much to Matthew of Blackwell’s for hosting.

Jenny Brown chaired the event superbly, and it was great to dig a little more deeply into The Paris Peacemakers, to explore the three characters of Corran, Stella and Rob and some of the main themes, including the desperate need for peace and the impact of war, the fate of the 1914 Scottish rugby team, and opportunities for women. Thank you so much to everyone who came along and joined in.

The Paris Peacemakers is set in France and in Scotland in 1919. It follows the stories of three Scots as they attempt to pick up the pieces of their lives after the trauma of war while politicians attempt to rebuild the world they have shattered.

I’m really pleased with the reception so far, with some lovely reviews on NetGalley, Goodreads, Amazon and Waterstones. If you haven’t read The Paris Peacemakers yet please do get hold of a copy (hardback, e-book or audio), and if you have it really helps if you can leave a review.

Meanwhile, time to get back to work on the sequel!

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